Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)

Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)

Almost all vehicles manufactured since 1995 have the Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) feature, so it’s quite likely that you have it in your car. In cars without ABS, the brakes usually lock if you slam on the brake pedal in emergency situations. This will cause your car to skid. Perhaps you’ve heard experts saying that you “pump” the brakes in such scenarios. That is actually what ABS do, they deliver the same pumping action but at a much faster rate, up to ten times a second. In addition, there are sensors that determine which wheel is most at risk of locking up so most of the action can be directed to it.

The ABS can be a real life-saver that’s why we have experts at EFI Diagnostic and Repair Center. They have the skills, expertise, experience and training in all facets of servicing, maintaining and repairing anti-lock brakes. Routine maintenance of the hydraulic components of your brakes will spare you from costly repairs later on. In addition, having your ABS system flush and filled every two years can prevent the ABS modulator from accumulating dirt. If your car’s ABS is due for a flush and fill, drop by our shop or give us a call.

Proper ABS maintenance is very important so don’t skimp, otherwise you may have to deal with more expensive problems. In case ABS repair is already required, leave the dirty work to us… there is more to ABS than simple replacements of shoes and pads!


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